How he fears our king Ravan.

What’s the sense in thy crying

It’s time that thee jump for joy.

Surely thou pass prime in time

As the favoured of Ravan

Why not make the best of prime?

In the garden of thy bloom

It’s all joy rides with Ravan.

At the beck and call we all

Come to serve thee all the time.

Fail if thee take Ravan’s hand

Fail we not to sever thy head.

Chandodari then put her mace

On breasts daunting of Seetha.

Is it not to enjoy these

Assets ample of snow white

Brought thee Ravan all the way?

As thou let not Ravan lay

Hands his eager on thy breasts

Make I would them food for me.

At that Praghasa spoken thus:

Why to waste our breath on her

Why not stuff out breath of hers.

As she failed to lay with him

Learns as Ravan of her death

Won’t he let us feast her flesh?

Set the pyre to roast her well

And fetch I arrack in barrels.

Surpanakha thus spoketh then:

Find I tiring all this grind

Guarding Seetha round the clock.

High time it’s all brought to end

In grand orgy with her flesh.

Put they thus the fear of death

In Seetha who then liked to live

For the sake of Ram she loved. Copyright 2016 - 2025