Slapped his thighs and roared like clouds.

Stretched he full then his long tail

Jerked it like would eagle its prey.

Circled Hanuman his tail then

Looked that eagle-clawed serpent.

Set to take off on that flight

Stance he took for task that tough.

In that as he shrugged himself

Seemed he eager and vigorous.

Stared he long at his flight route

Deep breathed he for take-off then.

All set to go Hanuman then

Thought it fit to them address

Folks his who were so anxious.

Spoke he thus to assure them:

Won’t I dart like Ram’s arrow

To Ravan’s land there lay yonder?

No sooner than I set foot

Find I Rama’s spouse Seetha.

Were I to happen to fail there

Won’t I rush to heaven itself?

Were I to land in blind alley

Won’t I go back to Lanka?

Prevail I over Ravan then

And fetch Seetha unfettered

With him in tow but in chains.

As he took-off he declared

Comes it ever if to the brink

Uproot he would all Lanka

And bring it as gift to Lord Ram.

By the thrust of his take-off

Sucked in were trees into flight.

As he flew at jet speed then

Tailed him trees with birds on them

And buds that flowered in between.

In truck with him all of them

Seemed they relatives at send off.

Sal trees then too followed suit

Seemed he spearhead of large force.

With the flowers and birds in tow

Made then Hanuman wondrous sight.

In time weakened as the pull

Dropped all trees in those waters.

Covered as he by flowers and all

Hanuman flew then glowworm like.

As he shrugged off in mid-air

Fell some flowers on salt waters.

Turned as flower-bed sea that vast

Seemed it then like star filled sky.

Flowers of varied hues on him

Rainbow on move made him seem.

Sonic boom of Hanuman’s flight

Scattered flowers on those waters

Seemed then that sea sky at dawn.

Arms his outstretched in his flight

Looked like serpents with five hoods.

Filled his shadow shore to shore

Though he picked up Mach two speed.

Sparkled his eyes as in flight

Seemed some lava there in flow.

Wide open were his bright eyes

Seemed they sun ’n moon in skies.

With his rosy nose-tip then

Looked he like the setting sun.

In flight his tail that was long

Banner then of Indra seemed.

With the sparkling teeth of his

And the tail thus well coiled

Sun like aura Hanuman had. Copyright 2016 - 2025