Found in dilemma Hanuman then

If she could be Rama’s spouse.

But then aura he espied

None but Seetha could have that.

Looked he then on for jewels

As though they were missing links.

Those to him Ram made privy

Found them lying on low branch.

To help Seetha please Rama

Well crafted were all of them.

Dust as they all thus gathered

Turned those into dirty brown.

Missing indeed from that lot

What she let go from mid-air

So to give clue to her man.

It was vanars who found her

Shawl with jewels hers tied in

That she dropped on Rushyamook.

How well these all now I see

Match with those that dropped by her.

That she wears the same saree

Wore she when was abducted

Won’t that shawl well go with this.

Who else would have this aura

Than dear Rama’s spouse Seetha!

Bound am I to rescue her

From the clutches of these guards.

Won’t that gladden Rama’s heart

Saddened for so long for her?

Paired as well as Seetha-Ram

Were there ever a couple on earth!

Ravan though had parted them

Minds in their they stay as one.

Robbed as he of his Seetha

Rama still has will to fight.

What a wonder Rama lived

Sans his spouse for so long now.

Felt glad Hanuman that he could

Find the beloved of his Lord. Copyright 2016 - 2025