Canto 12 - At Wits End

In his search for Seetha thus

Sauntered Ravan’s place Hanuman.

Failed as he to find her still

Felt she could have died of grief.

Finding her no yielding type

Ravan could have got her hanged.

Or else Seetha should’ve gone

Underground in Ravan’s land.

Were he to go with blank page

Would Lord Sugreev approve that?

Would not all the pains it took

For him to reach Ravan’s land

Come to naught were she not found?

When he would go back in time

Won’t his peers and Lords as well

Get round him for Seetha’s news?

Were he to show empty hand

Won’t that break the hearts of all?

What would elder Jambavan say?

How Prince Angad would take it!

So as not to fail them all

Not by finding Seetha now,

Better I pull up socks my well

So to pass through pathless woods.

If one gives up not on hopes

Tends that towards goal his own.

Resolved he thus not to sulk

But to press then even more.

Having felt thus he went back

To all those places he had been.

After making one more round

Of the harem of Ravan

Stepped he out of Pushpak then.

Entered he then those dwellings

Annexed to Ravan’s Royal Court.

Searched he then the town proper

That was Lanka’s headquarters.

As though to leave none to chance

Sauntered Hanuman suburbs there all.

Left he none of private parks

Nor he spared a public place.

But for woman of hideous looks

Found he not there Rama’s spouse.

Saw he though there stunners too

Found he Seetha nowhere there.

Saw he many an angel there

In them in vain he searched her.

Drew he blank in captive cells

Lodged where women by Ravan brought.

Having failed to find her there

Agonized Hanuman even more.

What a waste of time it was

To come to Lanka in her search!

Sank he on his knees Hanuman

Despaired of that mission failure. Copyright 2016 - 2025