Embrace of a Gift

Pleased no end was Rama then

Hope thus Hanuman could infuse

In his forlorn spouse Seetha.

Well O Hanuman thy great deeds

Would stand out all times to come.

With God Vayu ’n Garuda

Fly who with ease seas across

Make thee living legend now on.

Just to set foot in Lanka

Dare not angels ever in dreams.

Know not I a soul on earth

Dared that trespass Ravan’s land,

Speaks in volumes thy valour

Dared as thee ’n came back sound.

Comes it when to sheer valour

Know thee none can ever equal.

Blessed is thy Lord Sugreeva

Hath who in ranks Vayu’s son

Acts who to his Lord’s benefit

Outside though brief of his Lord.

Might we call him just worthy

Who that goes by master’s brief.

Meets no end on he errand

Strives who none though well-spoken.

Errand on that thou was sent

To find my spouse in alien land

Ruled by none else but Ravan

Left no stone thou ever unturned.

Had thee not thus found Seetha

Sure it would have been my death

Know thus with thy dedication

Saved thou life of me for now.

For I lost my crown and all

For the worse of fate of mine

For thy good turn O Hanuman

For me to show due gratitude

None have I to bestow thee.

Like to take thee in my arms

So that I could bring my heart

Closer now to thine own one

Helps as that to convey well

Gratitude it bears for thee.

Having spoken thus Rama

Taken Hanuman moved by then

Into warmth of his embrace.

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