That our vanars on errand

Wrecked my garden in orgies

Would but portend that Seetha

Was found in the pink of health.

Won’t they roar in joyous mood

What’s that but they got it right.

Saw vanar Lord in descent

Angad’s flock in bid to land.

In salute to that force his strong

Raised then Sugreev tail his straight.

Seeing Sugreev in welcome

Signalled Angad to his flock

Land they might all on the trot.

Enthused as were all by then

Lost no time to land vanars.

Having went to Rama straight

‘Seen I Seetha’ told Hanuman.

Gladdened tidings of the news

Hearts of Ram and his sibling.

Felt glad Sugreev that Hanuman

Caressed was by Lakshman’s eyes.

Melted loving look of Ram

Hanuman to the core of heart. Copyright 2016 - 2025