Weighed all options on his hand.

Not by letting Ravan’s men

Smell a rat of my spying

How am I to find Seetha!

Without muddling my errand

How to find here Seetha soon?

Towel in throws as night at dawn

Confronted by unforeseen

Mid-course dullards leave their jobs.

Mission one’s awry goes for sure

Meddles if one in half knowledge.

Thus for having come so far

Why not carry Seetha’s word

For the waiting ears of Ram.

Stop me if these in my tracks

Derailed gets then Seetha’s search.

How to look for Rama’s spouse

Unseen by these guards in scores!

Given the strength of their network

None the disguise might well work.

Were I to surface as it were

Might I as well get captured.

Makes it eminent if I move

With darkness to aid me well.

It’s night that makes conducive

To search Ravan’s own premises.

Having worked out his plan thus

Waited Hanuman moon to come.

When the sun went out of scene

Cat-like instinct showed Hanuman.

Airborne was he soon over

Lanka’s well-laid avenues all.

Pillars silver had buildings

Windows whose wore golden frames.

Built were mansions eight-storied

Set on gold floors were cat’s eyes.

Stuccoes precious gems had walls

Adorned pearls their wide doors all.

Domes there were all gold plated

Bright they were by day and night.

Having had a bird’s- eye view

Flustered Hanuman Lanka’s wealth.

Land that was of king Ravan

Domicile of those demons varied.

As if to show him the way

Moon came out in full bloom then.

In the moon rays of full moon

Seen Hanuman the green signal.

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