Sundara Kãnda - Hanuman’s Odyssey

BS Murthy

ISBN 81-901911-7-9

Copyright © 2005 BS Murthy.

Originally published by Self Imprint in 2005

This improved E-book edition is of 2013

Cover designed with Madhubani painting

Self Imprint

F-9, 1-10-234, Ashok Nagar

Hyderabad – 500 020.

Dedicated to -

Childhood friends, Nittala Rama Rao, who envisaged that I transcreate in English this momentous episode of the adi kavya and Erramilli Rohini Kumar, who, besides encouraging me to undertake the challenge, came up with the book jacket besides Katlin Darnall of the World Public Library for the enriching editing.

Cantos of the Kanda

1 - Hurdles in Skies

2 - City in Clouds

3 - Prelude to Entry

4 - Foray into Fort

5 - Life in Lanka

6 - Precincts to Beat

7 - Palace in the Plane

8- Pushpak’sProwess

9 - Harem at Night

10 - Women in Want

11 - Qualms of Celibate

12 - At Wits End

13 - Errand in the Bend

14 - Garden of Grief

15 - Withered Flower

16 - She is Seetha

17 - Guards all Hideous

18 - Ravan on Heat

19 - Dame in Despair

20 - Womanizer at Work

21 - Steadfast in Love

22 - Deadline to Death

23 - Guards that Pander

24 - Carrot and Stick

25 - Hapless Soul

26 - Wandering Thoughts

27 - Dream of a Nightmare

28 - On the Verge

29 - Good Tidings

30 - Hanuman’s Dilemma

31 - Rama’s Ballad

32 - Is it True?

33 - Genesis of Exile

34 - Swings in Mood

35 - Winning the Trust

36 - More of the Same

37 - Aborted Move

38 - Story to Tell

39 - Doubts to the Fore

40 - Repeats the Dose

41 - Rampage in the Park

42 - Panic in the Town

43 -Itching for Fight

44 -Takes on Prahastha’s Son

45 - Marshals in the Mire

46 - Generals in the Dumps

47 - Akshay’s Life on Line

48 - It takes Indrajit

49 - Ravan’s Darbar

50 - Cause of Loss

51 - Advice to Deliver

52 -Placates the Sibling

53 - Tail on Fire

54 - Arson to Hurt

55 - What of Seetha?

56 - Havoc of a Take-off

57 - Flight sans Hassles

58 - Odyssey in a Nutshell

59 - Pep Talk to Peers

60 - Angad on Rebound

61 - Eying the Madhuvan

62 - Orgy in the Garden

63 - Sugreev’s Reading

64 - Return of the Platoon

65 - News in Brief

66 - Tears in Torrents

67 - Hanuman’s Replay

68 - Times of Hope

Peep into Yuddha Kanda: War on Ravan

1. Embrace of a Gift

2. Coronation and After

Other books by BS Murthy –

Benign Flame- Saga of Love

Jewel-less Crown – Saga of Life

Crossing the Mirage – Passing through youth

Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel Copyright 2016 - 2025