“My pleasure.” He took my hand and pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

The queen didn’t waste any time moving me to the next few people. The members of parliament seemed very interested in the fact that I was American and then I met a couple with two small children.

“This is the Duke and Duchess of Marion.”

“Call me Heather.” The woman held out one hand while keeping a tight grip on the smallest boy. “This is Leo.” She pushed him forward and I leaned down to shake the young boy’s chubby hand. He smiled at me before rubbing the back of his hand across his nose.

“Nice to meet you, Leo.”

“Barry.” The duke shook my hand with a friendly smile before motioning toward the little girl in his arms. “And this is Violet.”

“Nice to meet you both.” The little girl was leaning against her father’s shoulder with her eyes half closed. “I’m sorry we got in so late.”

“Don’t be sorry! We’re glad to meet you. I know you must be tired after all that travel.”

“I’m happy to be here.” The queen pulled me away from the young family and toward a grouping of young men. Two of them were smiling in a bored sort of manner, but one of them leered in a way that made me wish I hadn’t taken my coat off.

“The Dukes of Minsington, Bowdell, and Sheferd. Otherwise known as Daniel, Barney, and Kyle.” The queen leveled her eyes at the men and they shifted where they stood. “This is Samantha, Duchess of Rousseau.”

They all shook my hand, Kyle lingering a little longer than was necessary. “A pleasure to meet you, Samantha.”

I smiled at him, not really thinking the meeting was so pleasant. He reminded me of the school reporter. The one you wouldn’t leave your drink with while you ran to the bathroom.

“Kyle and Daniel both went to the university here in town. Perhaps you can find a program to finish your studies with.” The queen smiled at me as if this was a brilliant idea.

“I’ll have to look into it when I have some time.” I really hoped I would be able to escape this conversation soon.

“Maybe I could take you to the campus and show you around. There are a lot of great places to study.” He emphasized the last word so I knew he meant something else entirely.

“Right. I’ll let you know if I need the help.” I had no poker face and I was certain Kyle could see my irritation.

“I look forward to it.”

“Your Majesty, dinner is ready,” a man in palace livery said. I hadn’t even noticed him approaching.

“Excellent. Samantha, I will leave you with these gentlemen while I check on things.” The queen squeezed my elbow gently before walking away. I watched her leave and my eyes landed on Alex. He was laughing with the Marion family and was holding the little girl against his chest, patting her back while she drooled on his shoulder, sound asleep. I wanted to go to them and put as much distance as possible between myself and Kyle.

“What did you study, Samantha?” Daniel looked at me, interested.

“Good God, Danny. Don’t you read the papers?” Barney took a long sip from the tumbler in his hand. “She’s a biologist of some sort.”

“Wildlife biologist,” I explained.

“You know I don’t read that trash. It’s a waste of time.” Daniel frowned at his friend. “Good for you, Samantha. You’ll have a lot in common with Alex.”

“Is that so?” A woman came over with a tray of drinks. I picked a glass of white wine and sipped.

“Yes, our illustrious future monarch has a degree in wildlife biology. He specialized in birds, I believe.” Daniel smiled. “What’s your specialty?”


Daniel laughed and pointed at Kyle. “You might as well give up right now.”

I looked at them confused. “Excuse me?”

“Let’s just say that there aren’t many eligible female nobles right now.” Daniel laughed at Kyle’s expression. “It’s a lost cause.”

“We don’t know that.” Kyle winked at me. “I’ve got a lot to offer.”

“Are you guys serious? I’m not looking to get married.”

“You’re fresh meat, sweetie.” Barney leaned forward and I could smell the bourbon on his breath. “Daniel here could care less since he’s not into skirts. But for every other eligible man in the country, you’re a potential wife. With a lot to bring to the bank… and bed.” He stared down at my br**sts. I squeezed my hands into fists so tight I could feel my nails digging into my palm. All of the responses that popped into my head were wildly inappropriate for a queen’s sitting room.

“Barney.” Daniel glared at him. “That’s enough. We’re not all terrible, Samantha.”

“What are you talking about?” Catherine moved next to me. “You can’t monopolize the guest of honor.”

“I was hoping you’d come over here to check on her so I could enjoy that pretty dress up close.” Kyle tilted his head and looked up and down Catherine’s slim figure. She blushed, but didn’t look all that upset with his perusal.

“Dinner is served.” A door off to the side of the room opened and I couldn’t have been more relieved.

“Your Highness, may I escort you to your seat?” Kyle bowed to Catherine who accepted with a roll of her eyes.

“Samantha?” Daniel held out his arm to me and I let him guide me to into the dining room. There was a long rectangular table, with place settings for each guest. Little cards, with handwritten names told everyone where to sit. Daniel leaned close when we got to my seat.

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