After the long trip back to Blackwell Castle she ran upto her room to decide how she would wear her hair, when someone knocked at the door. ´´Yes? Come in!´´ she shouted. It was her father. ´´Moira, how are you dear?´´ Lord Kincaid asked. ´´Fine dad, how are you?´´ the Laird smiled when he saw her lopsided grinn. ´´Your mother tells me you were succesfull in your endeavours today, I am pleased that you are taking this seriously´´ her father said. ´´We need to discuss your music, I know it is important to you but please consider where it will take you. Fame is not all it´s bargained to be Moira´´. ´´I know that father, it´s not about the fame. The music is important to me´´ she said. Her father smiled ´´I know child, I trust you to do the right thing...but the world out there is a cruel place´´ the Lord looked out the window for a moment. ``Ì know that father, and I intent to do something about it´´. Lord Kincaid looked at his daughter, saw the determination in her face and sighed. ´´Very well, if I can´t stop you, I will help you where I can´´ he resigned. ``Thank you daddy, I know you will.´´ Moira hugged her father tightly. Copyright 2016 - 2025