Thank you´´ the girl went on her way.

´Now, the book´. From the synopsis Moira understood it was written by a man who believed that humanity lived in some kind of ´Matrix´, like in the movie. The writer,

whose name was Darren Ingles, argued that humans were created by aliens many milennia ago for the purpose of becoming their slaves. He also said that all the

world leaders and famous celebrities were part of a secret organisation, a ´shadow government´ as he called it, controlled by these beings from a parallel universe to

brainwash the people. This way they could keep them docile and subordinate. Darren Ingles was also convinced that these aliens from another dimension feed off of

people´s negative emotions, and thats why they benefited from people´s fear and suffering. Their endgame would be to kill off about 75% of the world population

because it was to difficult to control so many people. After reading a little more the waitress brought her soup and tea. Moira closed the book and enjoyed her lunch.

By the time she was on the road again, Moira kept thinking about what she had read. ´Why does Calden want me to know these things?´ she couldn´t figure out the point. When she got home she would call him on the number he had given her. ´Does he really believe all this?´ she thought. Moira wasn´t sure, but she would find out. And in the mean time she tried really hard not to think of Ciaran. Copyright 2016 - 2025