here Elsa, and then I will be on my way...I still have a long drive ahead of me´´. Moira swung her legs over the bed and got up, she felt the maid watching her.

´´As you wish milady´´.

Ciaran was gone, he simply left without saying a word. Moira knew that other people probably thought she overreacted right now and that nothing much had

happened last night, but that was not what it felt like to her. She knew that he didn´t owe her anything, but he made her feel things she never experienced

before, without so much as a touch. She shook her head behind the wheel, and was thinking that maybe it was all for the best. ´He is trouble, and I know that´ she

thought. She decided to drive straight home today, even if she would have to drive through the night. The book was still next to her on the passenger seat.

Moira had been driving for a few hours when she got hungry and needed to stop for lunch. The GPS indicated a small village about a mile away and she decided

to head there. It was a beautiful day and everyone in the village was going about there business quietly and content. The village was picturesque, slighlty medieval,

it was one of those places where time seemed to stand still. Or perhaps move so slowly that only someone who lived a very long life would see it. Moira parked her Copyright 2016 - 2025