The fire was warm in the room that was Moira´s for the night. After taking a long bath in the adjoining bathroom, she had passed out on the queensize canopy

bed. Moira felt as if she was in Heaven. The room was beautiful and the view spectacular, she had lived in luxury all her life...but this was different. All of a

sudden there was a knock at the door and Moira nearly jumped out of the bed. ´´Milady?´´ a female voice called ´´Are you decent?´´ the girl that opened the door

seemed to be a young maid. ´´Beg your pardon milady but it is nearly time for dinner and the Lord sent me to help you dress´´ she explained. ´´That´s very kind...uh...´´

Moira didn´t know the girls´ name. ´´Elsa, milady´´ the maid told her. ´´Yes, Elsa...the point is, I didn´t really bring any clothes that would be appropriate

for dinner with his Lordship, so there will be no need to dress me´´ Moira explained. ´´His Lordship told me that you might say that milady, and I didn´t come empty

handed´´ Elsa smiled. Only now did Moira notice the garment that was draped over the girls´ right arm, the fabric shimmered in the light of the fire and was revealed Copyright 2016 - 2025