She passed many rooms and found herself wandering how big this castle really was, but before she knew it the butler halted in front of a door and knocked.

´´Come in!´´ a voice said, and Moira already knew who it belonged to...she could feel it in her blood.

The bulter opened the door and told Moira she could go in ´´I will take your belongings up to your room milady´´. But before she could protest he was gone.

´´Ah, welcome Lady Kincaid´´ he was every bit as handsome as she remembered, only now he was dressed in casual clothes. He was wearing jeans and a simple shirt, his hair was bound just like that night and she could tell he hadn´t shaved in a few days. Somehow all this made him seem more human, less like a grand lord and more like Moira, lost in thought hadn´t heard what he said...´´Excuse me, could you please repeat that?´´ she asked, embarrassed. Lord Pendragon was apparently a patient man, if he knew she had been watching him, he didn´t show it. ´´What brings you here, milady?´´ he asked again. ´´Well, I was curious about Argyll castle, so I just thought I would come and see it for myself´´ Moira anwsered. There was a long silence and he looked at her, little lights dancing in his eyes and all of he sudden he burst out in laughter. It was a deep and warm sound, so alive... ´´Well...´´ he began, catching his breath ´´Here you are then, would you like a tour?´´ Copyright 2016 - 2025