Moira awoke with the dawn and quickly got out of bed. Usually she hated to get out of bed and had never been much of a morning person.

In her opinion, mornings were for sleeping only. But today she didn´t care, because she would be arriving at Argyll castle this afternoon.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face. After putting on her dress and boots (she wouldn´t visit Lord Pendragon in her sweats) she collected all her

belongings and left the room. She walked down the stairs and left the keys at the counter. The bill had been payed the night before. Moira started her car and

turned on the GPS. However good a dancer she was, she had absolutely no navigational skills whatsoever. The TomTom had been one of the best things she

ever spent her money on. Her GPS indicated that she would indeed arrive at noon.

All of a sudden she remembered last night, and the book she was all had such a dreamlike quality, but the book was lying on the passenger seat next to her.

Moira looked at it and decided she would bother with it later, she stepped on the gas and drove off.

Around 11.30 AM Moira was driving through a beautiful landscape, full of trees and green hills. The sun was shining and she knew Argyll castle was close. Copyright 2016 - 2025