looked to be quite a big book and Moira took it. She felt the weight of it in her hands and read the title out loud ´´Lifting the veil´´. Calden stood up and walked over to the kitchen ´´Tea?´´ he asked. ´´Yes, please. What is this book about?´´ Moira inquired. She opened it and scanned through the chapters.

After a few minutes Calden came back with two cups of tea and sat down again. ´´What do you know about this world?´´ he asked. ´´How do you mean?´´ she wanted to know. ´´I mean, about what is really going on behind closed doors? About everything that is happening today?´´ he was waiting for an anwser. Moira didn´t know much, and she never cared much either...the only thing she knew was that most of it made no sense. She shook her head ´´I think I know what you are getting at, and yes the world isn´t right...but all I am interested in is figuring out who I am. I don´t even know that at this point.´´ Calden looked at her. ´´What if I tell you that there is a way to find out?´´ he asked. There was a silence ´Was he for real?´ she thought. ´´How?´´ she asked him. ´´Read the book, and after you do, contact me again.´´ Moira sighed and looked at the clock. ´´It´s late and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow,

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