´´Are you from Australia?´´ Moira asked him. ´´Is it that obvious? I haven´t lived there for a long time but I guess an accent never really goes away does it now?´´.

She wasn´t sure wether or not the question was rhetorical or not, but before she could anwser Calden already continued talking: ´´You are probably wondering why I came over here? Well, that´s because I have been waiting to meet you´´ Calden explained. ´´Meet me? But we have never met, and we don´t know eachother´´ Moira said. ´´This is true, but I knew you were coming here tonight´´. ´What is he talking about? How could he possibly know that?´ Moira was confused. But she wasn´t going to let it influence her. ´´What do you mean? How can you know that?´´ she asked Calden. ´´Somebody told me´´. ´´´Who told you? Nobody knew I was coming here´´ Moira said. Calden smiled and shook his head, ´´I can´t tell you that.

But I am here to give you something. When are you leaving?´´. It was clear he was not going to tell her anything more, so for now she chose to play along. ´´Tomorrow´´ she informed him. ´´Good, then we have time. Come with me after dinner and I will show you what I am talking about.´´ Calden looked at her. ´´You have nothing to fear from me, I won´t harm you...in fact I don´t even think I could if I wanted to´´. And he laughed.

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