´´Ah! My beautiful daughter! So kind of you to join us. Have a seat my dear.´´ Lord Kincaid said to his daughter. Moira sat down to the Lord´s left and across from her mother, the place she had occupied for as long a she could remember. ´´Did you sleep well my dear?´´ her mother asked. Moira was just about to reach for the sugar when her mother snatched it away. ´´Yes mother, quite well´´ Moira anwsered. ´´May I have the sugar please?´´. Lady Kincaid passed Moira the sugar and smiled. ´´Tell me love, who was that tall gentleman you were talking to last night? Anyone you know?´´. Moira looked around the table, both her parents were waiting patiently, looking at her intently. ´´I don´t know mother, I had never met him before last night´´ Moira replied. There was a silence at the table before Moira spoke again, ´´He said his name was Ciaran Pendragon, he also said he was Lord of Argyll Castle´´. Lord and Lady Kincaid exchanged a glance. ´´Argyll Castle you say? Are you quite sure?´´ Lord Connor Kincaid inquired of his daughter. ´´Yes father, I remember it clearly´´. ´´Quite interesting´´ the Laird continued while nodding his head. ´´What else do you know about him Moira?´´ the Lady asked. Moira was nibbling her sandwich. ´´Not much, he only said that he has many places he calls home...´´ Moira stuffed the sandwich in her mouth. She felt her mother´s disapproving eyes on her, but she didn´t care. ´´Many places he calls home?´´ Arabella repeated ´´What does that mean?´´. ´´Oh you know how the young folks are, my love, all over the place´´ the Laird offered as an explanation.

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