And suddenly he stood before her, or to be more precise...he towered over her. He was tall, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. This man was dangerous, but for some reason she was unafraid. ``Good evening´´ he said, and while he spoke she was looking at his lips, lips she wanted to kiss...´Oh dear god! Get a grip Moira!´ she thought to herself. ´´Good evening´´ she managed. He smiled, as if he could read her thoughts. ´´Lady Kincaid, I presume?´´ the man asked. ´´Yes, my name is Moira´´ Moira replied. ´He can´t be more than 30´ she thought. ´Who is he?´ And again as if he could read her thoughts, ´´My name is Ciaran Pendragon´´

He bowed to her. ´´Where are you from sir?´´ Moira asked. He smiled ´´I have many places I call home, milady...but here in Scotland that would be Argyll Castle, do you know it?´´ he hadn´t stopped smiling. Moira wondered if he was mad...of course she knew it! It was famous, but had been closed to visitors for decades now. The legend was that the old Lord had lost his mind and locked himself away after his wife and child had been brutally murdered. But there are also people that believe the Lord of Argyll castle killed his family before he took his own life. However, it was a place shrouded in mystery. ´´Is it true? The legend?´´ Moira asked. The lord of Argyll castle was silent for a moment a if to decide what he would tell her: ´´Who knows? When the castle came into my possession there was no evidence to be found. But perhaps the place is haunted.´´ he concluded with a grinn. Copyright 2016 - 2025