It was a cold night as Lady Arabella Kincaid walked by the the cliffs. A storm was coming, she could feel it. The day had started out sunny as she went for her usual walk, but the tides turned in the afternoon, as they were prone to do this late fall. Winter was coming, and it would be a cold season.

Lady Kincaid walked the same route everyday, usually her outings were shortlived as she always longed to see her husband again. But after many childless years had passed, Laird Kincaid had become distant and withdrawn. It was as if the hearth had gone cold at Blackwell castle, and even the fire could not warm the Lord´s heart.

She knew he had wanted children, but their efforts had been fruitless. Now she was too old, and they had no living heir. Even if in these modern times having an heir was not considered a priority anymore, Lord Connor Kincaid was a traditional and devoted man and he would never give up on the old ways.

As she pondered her faith, without knowing she had reached the edge of the cliff and looked down to the sea. The sea was always dark, but for some reason the mysterious waters frighthened her more than ever on this day. She was about to turn around when she noticed something. There was a movement by the seashore, a small figure on the beach. Copyright 2016 - 2025