When she was seven years old, her mom died in a car accident. That day, she also lost her only brother as well. Her mom had been taking him to hockey practice, and she had opted to go with her dad to the station instead. The drunk guy never even tried to stop at the red light, and then he had walked away with only minor scratches while she had lost a mom and brother and her dad lost a wife and his only son. With it being just the two of them, she grew up as part of the police family. Everything she did, well, it involved a policeman or woman and their family

Four years ago, her father had a heart attack. He was in ICU for about a week, and then he died. There was nothing she could do for him during that time, and when he was gone, she had nothing but her job left. She put everything she had into her job. Her whole life revolved around the department, the people who were part of that group and the cases she worked on.

She worked around the clock, since she had nothing else in her life at the time, and when the Boswell case took such a nasty turn, it nearly did her in. She spent about two weeks in the hospital, and that is when she decided that she was through with all of it. She wanted to teach, since she had finished her Doctorate, it was easy to pick and choose the destination.

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