Erin was the happy go lucky twin. He had such a great personality and didn't mind his family or friends play jokes on him. Eric was entirely different. He was a loner and would have preferred just to be alone.with his computer. They both worked after school. Erin at their uncle's gym. Eric at their other uncle's animal clinic. In February Erin received a letter of acceptance to thFBI Academy.while Eric received a letter of acceptance to a famous veterinarian school.Mr. and amrs. Showers visited both of their son's colleges. Erin had accepted an invitation into a sorority house and would be living with several other young men.

Eric's living situation was a ;ittle different. Eric had agreed to live with one of the veterinarins that was a teacher there and an old school mate of his uncle.During the summer Erin painted the room he was assigned to with his room mate.He moved most of his stuff into that room which was twenty by twenty. Eric moved his things into a nine by twelve foot room leaving a lot of his stuff at home but did get a littler computer desk and got him a laptop and a wireless printe The rest of their summer Erin decided to take it off. He received a full scholarship plus a sign on bonus if he signed onto that college's football team. Copyright 2016 - 2025