​ Jamie had to stay after her classes was over to attend a lecture. Professor Hutchings started to pass her while reading a letter of some kind.and accidently bumped into her. He looked up and said hello to her. Jamie thought he intended to bump into her. She was getting some strange vibes from him and rush onto the lecture.

​ Meanwhile Eric put several different dog breeds on the dinningroom table. Samatha picked out a Bazlin Mastiff but it had curly hair around his stomach. Eric took pictures of long hair dog breeds. Samatha pointed to a chow but the face wasn't right. Eric took a pair of scissors and cut the stomach area and put unto the Brazlian Mastiff. Whe he showed it to Samatha she smiled and nodded her head. Eric showed Erin what the dogs look like to give to his unit. The dogs they were looking for was a Brazlian Mastiff Chow mix. The Brazlin Mastiff is a tracking dog Mixed with a chow would make him a very dangerous breed that could and would attack a person. Sometimes for no apparent reason. That explained part of the units theory but didn't explained the draining of the victims blood. Eric explained once a dangerous dog breed got the taste of human blood it would become a deciding factor on the reason for the dog attacks.

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