For the Showers raising twins was just normal. The couple had a total of three sets of twins. Their oldest set of twins were both girls was Rose Marie and Mary Rose. They didn't only go through all twelve grades together but also went to Harvard . Both of them was their graduating class valedictorian. Their wedding date was the exact day, church, and time. It didn't stop there. They also married brothers and live in the same town. The only difference was one became a DA while they other was a corporate lawyer. Their husbands was also lawyers just not twins.Their roles in the legal world was just the opposite. Mary Rose the DA husband was also a corporate lawyer while the husband of Rose Marie was a DA

​ The couple's middle set of twins also was a girl and a boy. Both had two different set of friends. Both Shelby and Shannon. Shelby was a quaterback and Shannon wasm't intereted in becoming a cheerleader. She was on their high school newspaper team and did take pictures and reported on the football team. Their paths cross each other every so often after college also and of course all three attended family events. The only similar thing was they married cousins Both of the sets of twins gave Mr. and Mrs. Showers granchildren Mary Rose's children was a set of twin boys. Rosie Marie had a set of twins but one was still born and the only live one was named Jackie. Shelby had a little boy who was diagnosis with a immune disease. Copyright 2016 - 2025