The Dr answered in long sentences, obviously well rehearsed from other countless encounters. But I only caught this, "... it is made complicated by the health of her heart. We never know. If it worsen, the prognosis is grave..." And his next words were a blur.

That night, I held mom's hand. If by holding your hand I can pass some of my heartbeats to you, I will squeeze them tight and never let go.

Hang in there, mom.

You are all I ever have.

I couldn't imagine...

Flashbacks of memories returned to me. They were mostly dated way back, with very little memories built from recent years. I wished I had called you more often, visited you more often.

Oh how I hope it is not too late now.

When mom fell asleep, I momentarily slipped off my hand and my mask of bravado.

The weight of the world came crashing down on me, a wave of despair washed over me and I felt all alone again. I am so tired.

It was 11.05pm when I reached for my phone and dailed the top number from my 'frequent contact list'.

Cliff had been demoted to number 2.

"Faye... talk to me!" Maya answered before the second ring.

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