As a kid, the first English word we learnt was probably 'apple' because 'A is for apple.' Not in France.

"C'est un pomme." My mom would teach me, holding up a fruit in her palm, bright and red. Smooth shiny skin, and it made a crunchy sound when I sank my teeth into it. Sweet. But I never really liked fruits.

"Now there is another kind of pomme. It is hidden in the ground."

"Why?" the Faye of 4-years old asked.

"Because... It did not have pretty skin as un pomme, it isn't as popular. In fact, it is dull brown in color and it has pitted skin. Since pomme terre always hides in the ground and prefers not to come out, it is usually dirty. That makes people like it even less.

However, the pomme terre is actually quite an amazing fruit. Or vegetable. I would say it is a vegetable, so you might like it. Regardless how it looks on the outside, how unappealing and dirty, on the inside it is very delicious. And it can be cooked in many ways. You had it before, in fact you had it last week and you absolutely loved it."

"I did? But I don't remember eating such an ugly fruit. Or vegetable."

"Always look on the inside, Faye. Find the beauty within. Charm can be deceptive, beauty fleeting. And I think..." my mom grinned at me, "that my little girl is beautiful inside out." Copyright 2016 - 2025