So, there I was, seated opposite Brother Nat at his office, with my drawings sprawled across his desk. I vowed that I will draw in shapes and shades in the future, something so abstract that no one in the world will look at my artwork and judge me.

I still remember Bro Nat calmly collected the drawings and place them aside without much looking at them. He asked a few questions, but I had resolved to be dumb that day. Long story short, we scheduled to meet regularly and Bro Nat gradually cracked my shell of defence. His spoke kindly and with wisdom, and with humor too. He treated me just like a regular kid in school, not some dangerous freak.

Slowly, I told him about my mother. It was then that he put things into perspective and led me to understand what I previously didn't. Every time I had a counselling session with him, he would pray for me. It was compassion, not pity, oh I would hate people showing me pity. Bro Nat showed me the light, introduced to me a greater power that is God. To a certain degree, what was damaged begun a process of internal healing. God lifted me out of the pit and brought renewal in me, which I am truly grateful for. Copyright 2016 - 2025