I glared at her for that comment. “But you shouldn’t have to because that’s my job.”

“You can’t possibly expect me to never talk to another guy by myself ever again. There are plenty of guys I’m perfectly safe with.”

“Like who?” I asked.

“Drake,” she hissed. “Jason. My brothers. My college professors. The checkout guy at the grocery store.”

I sat down on the bed and pulled her onto my lap, dropping my head onto her chest. “I’m being a crazy man again, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are,” she whispered. “And I don’t really understand why this is an issue for you when you know I’m never going to do something with another guy.”

“How about we make a deal?” I asked.

“What kind of deal?” she answered skeptically, crossing her arms to make sure I knew that she thought I was up to no good.

I rolled her onto her back and raised myself over her body. “How about we both promise to do our best to limit how often we’re alone with members of the opposite sex who are single and we don’t know that well?”

She looked up at me with questions in her eyes, like she was trying to figure out if there was something she was missing in the request. “If it means that much to you, then I guess that wouldn’t be too much of a problem,” she answered softly.

“I know it’s another example of me acting crazy. I get that in here,” I said as I pointed at my head before moving my hand over my heart. “But in here beats the heart of your caveman who would hide you in his cave and never let you out for anyone else to see if he could.”

“As long as it isn’t because you think I would cheat on you or anything like that,” she clarified.

“You’re my girlfriend. We’ve already committed to each other, and I don’t think you’d ever do anything to hurt me like that. It just isn’t in you to do something like that. But I don’t see how it can hurt if we both limit the chances of there ever being a misunderstanding or an opportunity for someone else to try to get in the middle of our relationship,” I said, trying to explain my reasoning and make it sound logical. Or at least better than if I had just said, “I see red every time some dumbfuck so much as looks at you—which happens a helluva lot because you’re so damn beautiful.” I didn’t think that would have gone over well at all.

Aubrey lifted her hands and swept her palms over my cheeks as she moved them to the back of my head and pulled me down so that our lips were almost touching. “I cannot believe I am actually going to go along with this. You owe me. Big time.”

“Well, I’d hate to be in your debt,” I teased. “Maybe I should work it off now.”

“Nope,” she disagreed, making a popping sound at the end of the word after drawing it out.

I traced one of my fingers down the opening of her shirt and slid my hand over her tit until I cupped its weight in my palm. “Are you sure?” I asked, rubbing my thumb back and forth over her nipple.

“Very sure,” she said, nodding her head with a smug grin spread across her face. “Since you’re going to give me a fuckpology for being a jerk today instead. And you know how much I like those.”

“Am I?” I murmured against her lips. “Was I really bad enough that you deserve one?”

She wiggled underneath me and wrapped her legs around my waist so they were interlocked behind my ass. “You were really bad. Some might even say horrible. So I think I more than deserve one. A really good one. Maybe even the fuckpology to end all fuckpologies,” she teased. “So you better get cracking.”

“When you put it that way, it must have been extremely bad. I’m so sorry, moya printsessa,” I whispered as I bent lower to capture her mouth with mine.

I kissed her softly at first, licking at her lips and lightly sliding my tongue against hers. I took my time and kissed her until she was panting against me and running her hands through my hair. Her hips started to move, grinding her pussy against me as she tried to create the friction she needed, but I was denying her by holding still.

I trailed my lips across her cheek to speak softly in her ear. “Slowly, Aubrey. I’m going to take my time and give you all the attention you deserve.”

Her legs dropped away as she relaxed against me. “Mmmm,” she sighed dreamily. “I like the sound of that.”

“I love having you under me, your body to do with as I please,” I rasped out before moving down her neck.

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