Are we all ready for a chill, did our live’s get to be on med’s stealing prescription’s, or every product on the internet

becoming junkies Doctors are making more money excuse me Britney shakes spear me thou shall not believe Ripley's believe it or metal it. I'm a nature lady I need a flower soft silky bloom petal it.Are you so tickled chrome pink with my fancy cell I- O-U metal heart phone.I'm not your honey I am losing my metals holy religious freaks Scientology went insanity more divorces those metal heart court cases please let this chillout.What a count so many metal coins some of them were worth the chilling. Dracula in the hospital blood type transfusion the men with the pacemakers what a celebration with streamers what a bad influence of people.Walking through heavy smokers private club deadhead dreamers.They needed to stay up needed their bullet beans of a cup silver metal. Times Heavy square server what a platter all ammunition of the best silver. That was Terry Techlee his brother was Techlie.He loved the diamond exchange if he had his way he would turn everything into rare metal.

They needed more European dead to the sea minerals chrome sparkle crystals what lovemakers anyone with robot combat type metal Feeling like the walking dead taking night sex education we became robots studying "Scientology" feeling like someone flooded through my brain. I didn't wash for 9 1/2 weeks until I realized I was pregnant.Well! it's almost time for my celebration baby shower origami folding stroller for what how is my baby going to turn out? I wasn't aware that I was pregnant. another gift the why cry is it for me or my baby analyzer why on earth would anyone need to be analyzed Oh metal heart take a chill pill baby Jason bourne Identity needing another outlet. I need my own outlet smart sock testing a babies heart rate if I only had a brain how its been tarnished.Were built like machines anyway pacemakers nothing feel real in our hearts lately. How could this be was I drugged everyone resembled my high tech washing machine recycled over and over again. What night courses was I really taken.for a fool Girl sexy gear of fun new age of erotic pills. He’s banging so hard flooding your bed. You feel drugged.Not knowing where you are. Do I have another alternative 69 metal scraps route. Does anyone have the right pills to take and put their feelings aside for once! Maybe hanging over the Brooklyn bridge all nude holding onto the metal who on earth really care’s. Knocking on hell’s spine-chilling fed’s they were so dedicated to their job forget about it getting married what type of life please have a heart of cold stone if I only had a brain wait a minute they are metal heavy metal band sounds fine all-metal wedding. When always traditionally white maybe a greek wedding? Well, this is the modern chill pill world Well! how much olive oil can they serve did my husband to be or dear lord buy me a Mercedes Benz it has the right metal burn baby burn.The tin-man he needs to loosen up Copyright 2016 - 2025