l think this arranged marriage wasn't too bad..Sofia thought to herself while smiling..

but someone wasn't liking this..Paloma she was walking back Brian and Sofia..

Are you jealouly? Scot asked Paloma..What do you think? Paloma answered him with a furious voice tone..

But patience is a virtue..l see..Scot said to her..l know how to solve it easily..Scot said to Paloma..How? She asked him...

Only give up about brian and let's we date..everything will end well like this..Hahaha..You're very funny..Paloma said to scot..

l'm just kidding paloma..lol..l know..she said..You like to joke with not funny things..

So Scot smiled..

Let's hurry up to get in class we are late..Now l will give the loverbirds some space..why?

Scot asked her..l don't know she said..l need to think how can l make him fall in love with me.

.Why don't you tell him your feeling?Scot asked her..Are you crazy scot l would never do it...

OK..Then..So they went towards their class...

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