Nobody wanted the Jamison family bodies to be at the funeral home with their deceased loved ones. It went even a step beyond when they petition the city not to bury the Jamison family in the city cementery The rest of the animals were shipped to other wildlife reserves. The Panda and her baby was put in the city zoo for a thorough examination plus to be watched very careful for signs of aggression. The town nresidents didn't want that panda and her baby anywhere around the other zoo animals so the council members shipped them to another zoo.

The girls knew the pandas would be alright but they weren't sure about themselves.The funeral director shipped the Jamison family to an creamotorium a few miles away for a very quick and queit creamation. He picked up the urns himself . He delivered the four urns of ashes to the girls. He knew it wasn't their fault and felt bad for them. He informed them there would be no charge for his services. The judge in town ordered the insurance company to hold all policy money of the jamison family for possible lawsuit settlements.

It became worse than just that for the twins. When the girls would go to the store to buy food or clothing they were met with hostility from the clerks and customers. One incident the girls were beaten up in the parking lot and their food thrown on the parking lot pavement. The girls picked up the items that wasn't broke or tore up. They took the city bus back home. The next time they tried to ride the bus the driver told them the city had banned them from riding. The girls ordered items that they needed online and had them delivered to the reserve. Copyright 2016 - 2025