The women choose one of their own to stay at the reserve while the others attended the ceremony When the ceremony ended the women rushed back to start setting the tables. They could not find Ms. Jackson who was behind.but the women was on a strict time limit and just shrugged it off and started setting the tables with all kinds of delightful smelling dishes

The women tried to call the Jamisons when they had finished and heard the buses pull in. The young men and women filed off of the bus followed by school officials who was going to be their chaperones for the night. They walked into the exhibit hall intending to have a great party but instead was greated by a group of vicious bears of several bears. They were muled. A few of the students got to safety in the bathrooms.

There were several 911 calls and a couple of the students whose fathers was on the Hillsdale Police department called them at the police station. They rushed to the reserve They had to shoot and kill all kinds of bears except for the panda bear and her baby who was still secured in their habitate and eating bamboo shoots. The parents of the girl who Everly and Ashly was asked to spend the night at her house. Copyright 2016 - 2025