The first species was the bears. There were black bears, brown bears, Panda bears, Polar bears, and Grissley Bears. In the old site of the seals were replaced by alligators . New fences was added to the current fences making it even higher. They brought in a herd of Bison, a herd of elk, and a herd of moose. The next group was a herd of wolves and foxes. The wildlife reservation took on a couple of sloths that had been someon's pets then just dropped of at their front gate in cages. One of the reservations overseas sent them four ring tail lemurs. They were place in the old monkey area. There were several different events done to raise money to take care of the animals and to pay the bills. At least the Jamison's didn't have to worry doctor bills for their animals. The old zoo's animal's hospital had every kind of equipment to take care of them.

​A little past their first anniversary Rachel delivered a healthy six pound baby boy. They named him Tyson Allen Jamison. racheal committed on the couple lived on chicken. The chicken farm delivered live chickens weekly to feed the alligators,wolves and foxes. Neither Tyler or Rachel knew where their five raccoons came from but they had no desire to leave. They sadated the raccoons first. Then gave them their well checkups plus inserted tracking devises into their ears. Every so often they repeated the process to make sure the raccoons stayed healthy The raccoons would turn over the reservation's trash can nightly. They would eat the chicken bones along with the fish bones. Tyson was dark hair and brown eyes. He enjoyed when groups of people would come to tour the facility to see the animals. The biggest raccoon would come to the fence to see if any visitor that offered him a treat. him a treat. Copyright 2016 - 2025