A years supply of diapers, a year supply of baby food including infant formula. and a bunch of toys.The baby wasn't the first baby born in Snow Cap Ridge just the first baby born at the hospital. There were several babies born in Snow Cap Ridge usually the babies was delivered by mid wives or their family relatives A lot of the nuns in town also delivered babies of their prishioners . The hospital was a welcoming sight that needed to have happened way before it did. Dr. Allison was the head of the hospital's board and very well liked in the community.

​ Summer saw it's fair share of tourist and excitement with the park's activities such as swimming. paddle boating, even trout fishing in one of the cold water streams. Henry had new hunters already reserving cabins for the fall hunting season. He didn't mind the new comers but he really like the old stand byers. The ones that were responsible and dependable and no one had to worry about what their intentions was. This one hunter gave him the jeepers creapers. Henry told his father that something just didn't add up with this new hunter.

​ The new nursing school was finished and opened in late July just in time for fall enrollement at the nursing school. The nurse that had accompanied Dr. Allison to Snow Cap Ridge became the nursing school director. the town seemed to be over ran by young beautiful women not just the nursing students but also competitors in Miss Snow Cap Ridge beauty competition The news that there was young women now living and working in Snow Cap Ridge brought another new group of young college men to town.

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