​ Sherrif Smith told him the job would be waiting for and it was. Jacob was always the first to arrive and was engaged to be married the next spring. After talking about all of the deputies very highly he promised their families that every stone would be turned over till the murderer or murderers was found and brought to trial All of the slain deputies got a placque of excellant performance with a picture of the deputy on the placque

​ After the funeral there was tips about a couple of hunters had found what seemed to be a dumping site in the woods where a lot of deer, elk and other wild animal remains was discarded there. Sheriff Smith took a look and his suspicion was backed up by the state patrol's officers yes that Snow Cap Ridge had a poaching group on their hands. Henry let his hunting lodge second hand man Alex be in charge of it while he stepped in as one of his father's deputies. To Henry the number one suspect was the hunter who gave him the jeepers creepers. He was still nowhere to be found.

​ Sheriff Smith thought that guy probably was the leader of the group of poachers. Late one evening a distress call came into the sheriff's office of a man that called himself an officer of the federal agency that had been tracking a group of poachers that had killed many animals on federal wildlife lands. He had tracked the poachers to Snow Cap Ridge and they were in the process of killing animals at that moment. He needed help taking thm down and would meet them at the hunting lodge.

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