His voice breaks and my heart goes right along with it. Maddox is everything to Mack. He’s the only family he’s got. I know how much he means to him, and how close the brothers are. They’ve got the kind of bond that even some blood related brothers don’t have. Mack drops down to his knees, his head bowed.

“We’re going to get him back,” I say, taking his other hand. “We’re going to fight this.”

He seems to gather himself, because when he looks up, the emotion is gone from his face. Mack has always struggled with emotion, and he finds it hard to let people see the real man that’s inside.

“Come on, you need to eat and so does Pippa. Then we’re going to find out where the guys are. It’s time to end this.”

He helps me up and we head back out into the room. Pippa is sitting on the bed, having a shy conversation with Tyke. I smile and sit down beside her. My leg is aching, but I’m not going to be a cry baby and whine about it. I’ll survive. Mack lifts the phone that’s in the room, and puts it to his ear, turning to us.

“What do you girls want?”

I turn to Pippa and her cheeks grow pink.

“Is there something you want?” I ask her.

“There is...I’ve dreamed about it for so many years.”

I nod in encouragement.

“A cheeseburger,” she admits.

Tyke laughs and even Mack cracks a smile.

“Two cheeseburgers,” I say to Mack.

He turns and orders four, one for each of us. The food arrives only twenty minutes later. I’m hungry, but after four or five bites, I can’t stomach the heavy beef, cheese and bread. It would seem I’m the only one. Pippa devours hers like a starving child and of course, the men gobble it down in a few big bites.

Then Mack makes the call.

“You in?” I hear him ask.

He nods a few times.

“Morning, night attack is too dangerous. We shoot the wrong fuckers and we’ll pay for it.”

Oh God.

“No, don’t come here. We need them to keep thinkin’ we’re alone. I’m goin’ to leave the girls with Tyke then I’m goin’ to sneak out, there’s a back entrance. I’ll ring you and we’ll go in.”

My stomach coils - that cheeseburger threatening to come back up.

“Stay low, I’ll call first thing.”

Then he hangs up. Turning to me, his eyes are full of fear, tension, rage and...if I’m correct...pain.

“Is it all ready?” I ask.

He nods. “We’re set.”

“What if...what if they’re expecting you? What if you don’t make it out? What if-”

Stepping forward, his hands shoot out and curl around my shoulders. He shakes me, just slightly, making my mouth snap closed.

“What if’s are only going to cause problems. We don’t have time for what if’s. I’m goin’ to get those guys out of there, no matter what it costs me.”


“They’re all I’ve got, Santana. Nothing will stop this.”

I nod, even though fear has curled itself around me, choking, suffocating...

“What now?” I ask, my voice low.

“Now we wait.”


Mack leaves the moment the sun is up and the call comes in. I’ve felt fear in my life, but watching him sneak out is up there with some of the scariest moments. We watch from our window as he creeps past the pool and gardens. He has to go down the back, over the fence and through the trees a long while before he makes it out onto the road. He needs to get far enough away that they won’t see him exit.

I hugged him eight times. A full eight. I smothered my tears, staying strong. He needs me to be strong. He needs us all to be strong. I’ve said more prayers in the past twenty-four hours then I’ve said in a lifetime. Over and over I’ve prayed for the guys, but mostly, I’ve prayed for Maddox. I’ve tried not to dwell, but there’s no switching my brain off.

He’s everything.

Tyke sits beside me, squeezing my hand. He’s got guns readily available in case these guys decide to bombard us. I really hope that doesn’t happen. We’re hoping that as long as we’re in here, they’ll think we’re plotting. I’ve got Tyke’s cell phone clutched in my hand, waiting for the text from Mack.

Thirty minutes later it comes.

M – I’m out.

I breathe a sigh of relief, but it lasts only a second.

This is just the beginning.


2014 - Maddox

So fuckin’ thirsty. Everything in my body burns, like someone has taken a match to my organs and lit it. My throat has a scratchy, dry sensation that refuses to leave because there’s no longer saliva to ease it. I’m covered in dried blood, and my broken bones have gone far and beyond aching, instead they’re numb.


It’s Grimm. His voice as hoarse as mine. I want to lift my head, but there’s no fuckin’ hope of that happening any time soon. I answer anyway, even though my voice is barely a rasp. “What?”

“G-g-g-gunfire. Can you hear it?”

I close my eyes, trying to focus. All I can hear is the loud, continual ringing in my ears. With painful effort, I reach up with a groan and press my hands over my ears. Still nothing. It only makes the ringing louder.

“I can hear it,” Krypt rasps from the corner.

“Me, too,” Zaid grunts.

“I can, as well,” Austin whispers.

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