Clark had known Emerson. He’d known she was sleeping with the professor. He was angry. And we were staring at a picture of him wearing an orange hunting vest, holding a gun.

You were in most of Emerson’s classes. I slipped into Clark’s mind without even thinking about it. You liked watching her. She was nice to you. You thought she was perfect. And if you found out she wasn’t…

“You got something?” Michael asked me from his spot across the room.

I caught my bottom lip in my teeth. “Maybe.”

I could see Clark targeting Emerson, but if he’d been the one to attack her, I would have expected it to be messier. I’d thought it myself the day before: if Clark was a killer, he’d be a disorganized killer. Emerson wasn’t murdered on an impulse. The UNSUB never lost emotional control.

And yet…

A phone rang, breaking me from my thoughts. It took me a second to realize that the ringtone was mine. I reached for my phone, but Lia beat me there. She snatched it and held it just out of reach.

“Give it here, Lia.”

Selectively deaf, she turned the phone around so I could see the caller’s name. TA GEOFF flashed across the screen. What the…He’d given me his number. I’d plugged it into my phone, but I’d never given him mine.

“The two of you have been texting,” Lia informed me pertly. “You’ve really grown quite close.”

I made a mental note to change the password on my phone.

“Shall we see what he has to say?” Lia didn’t wait for a response before she answered the call.

“Geoffrey. I was just talking about you.” She smiled at whatever he said in response, then put the phone on speaker and laid it on the coffee table between us, daring me to hang up.

I didn’t.

“Did you hear about the professor?” Geoffrey asked, his voice grave. “It’s all over the news.”

So the story about the professor’s death had broken.

“This must be so hard for you,” Lia said, putting her feet up on the coffee table. Her tone oozing sympathy, she gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

“You have no idea,” Geoffrey said in response. “The professor didn’t deserve this.”

And Emerson did? I bit back the question.

“First that girl, now the professor,” Lia said, sounding every inch the tragedy groupie, ready to hang on Geoffrey’s every word. “Who do you think it is?”

“We’re dealing with what I like to call an organized killer,” Geoffrey intoned. “Highly intelligent and hard to catch.”

I didn’t know what was more off-putting: the way Geoffrey was acting like he’d invented the phrase “organized killer”—while demonstrating only the smallest fraction of understanding of what that really meant—or the fact that “highly intelligent” was probably a descriptor he’d use to describe himself.

“I’ll probably have to take over the class now that Fogle is gone,” Geoffrey added. “I don’t know what will happen to his book, Bind Them, Brand Them, Cut Them, Hang Them: The Daniel Redding Story.”

Geoffrey couldn’t resist dropping the book’s title. Listening to him talk, I thought back to the way Dean had looked, saying those same words: eyes unseeing, face pale.

“Do you think it could be someone in the class?” Lia asked. “Your class?”

She was so good at changing the direction of the conversation that Geoffrey didn’t even realize she’d done it.

“If there were a student in this class with the potential for that kind of thing,” Geoffrey said, his tone saturated with smugness, “I think I would know it.”

My first reaction to those words was that of course he thought he’d recognize a killer. But my second reaction sat heavier in my stomach. He’d used the word potential.

Potential as in capability, or potential as in talent?

“What about the kid who’s setting the curve in the class?” Lia gave Geoffrey another verbal nudge.

“No way,” Geoffrey scoffed. “Gary something. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Gary Clarkson. As in Clark. I wouldn’t have pegged him as the curve-setting type, and that disturbed me. Maybe he was more of a planner, more type A, more organized than I’d realized.

Lia snatched the phone up and abruptly hung up. The sudden movement jerked me out of my thoughts and I tracked her gaze. Dean was standing in the hallway behind me.

He didn’t comment on what he’d overheard. He didn’t threaten to tell Briggs we’d broken the rules. Again. He just turned and walked, his footsteps heavy, toward the stairs.

I snatched my phone back. Lia didn’t stop me. It rang. I expected it to be Geoffrey calling back, but it wasn’t.

“There’s someone I need you to look up,” Briggs said, forgoing the customary greeting.

“Same to you,” I told him. “Gary Clarkson. He’s comfortable with guns, shared a high percentage of Emerson’s classes, and was setting the curve in Fogle’s class.” I hesitated just a second, then plowed on. “You should also check out the professor’s TA.”

The FBI hadn’t given us a file for Geoffrey, but that was an oversight on their part. He wasn’t a student in the class, but he was a student at the university—and it would be just like Dean’s father to get off on telling the FBI something misleading, but true.

“I’ll look into it,” Briggs promised, “but right now, I need you to see what you can find out about a Conrad Mayler. He’s a senior who took Fogle’s class two years ago.”

“Why am I looking him up?”

There was silence on the other end. For a moment, I thought Briggs wouldn’t answer the question, but after a second’s hesitation, he did. “He’s the one who posted the video of the crime scene.”

Briggs had a way of punctuating the end of sentences that shut the door completely on further conversation.

“Okay,” I said. “Conrad Mayler. Got it.”

Twenty minutes later, I’d discovered everything there was to online-know about Conrad Mayler. He was a journalism major. He claimed to listen only to indie bands. His favorite movies were documentaries. He had a blog where he wrote snarky recaps of a variety of reality shows. According to his profile, he’d attended a private high school and worked part-time at the student radio station.

His relationship status was “It’s complicated.” The girl implicated in said relationship was Bryce Anderson. Copyright 2016 - 2025