Lying over my back, my butt felt numb and sensitive.He fell over the bed at my side.

"I think I've made my point clear", he looked at me with a satisfied and playful smirk "So what did you learn, Ashy?"

I didn't say anything. I could feel my ass throb and it made me angrier.

His eyes hardened.

"I asked you something", said coldly.

I kept my lips sealed.

He grabbed my chin.

"Answer me", he threatened "now!"

Okay calm down. You can do it.

You act wisely.

You tell him what he wants to listen. This is how you have been playing it and this is how...


"I've learnt that you're a fucking baster who can't even get a girl on her own will and for fuck sake is forcing her to fuck him up for a God damn reason that he is obsessed with her and believes that he fucking love her but in reality he doesn't even care!!! He is a fucking asshole who is just using his twisted ways for the motherfu..."

I was cut off with a hand tightening around my throat and an angry quietening kiss.

That triggered my heart to an overdrive but not with fear but anger. It was pure anger this time.

I threw my best punches at him, aiming for his chest or whatever I could get but his hands didn't let go of my throat, neither did his lips. Copyright 2016 - 2025