It was cold but it felt good.
I was free.
I was smiling, not actually knowing it.
I wanted the delight and jubilation to last forever, to relish my soul with every second of it.
But little did I know that it won't last forever
Author Note
My college has started but I'll be updating on weekends.
I can update from 4 updates a day to 0 a week.
its all upto you really.
All writers need this one thing called motivation to continue.
My motivation is my readers.
All you've to do is to write a good comment to motivate me and urge me to continue writing. And you'll be getting more updates.
Current update is the result of a new encouraging message.
It means a lot to me.
In the end
Thanks for selecting and reading this story to all my beautiful readers. I like to share my imagination with you..
200000 reads. Wow!
200000 reads. Wow!