Jen was sitting up the software that would let Alex talk into it with his decisions and the software would type it and the printer would print his decision out then he would only have to sign them.Jen told Alex he would be able to catch up all of the over load of undecided cases One of the cases was the state wanted to start a lottery game and the proceeds would go into the education fund. Judge Sarah Hall voted to pass the bill and Judge Daniels had voted against the bill. Judge Alex Waters voted to pass the bill and even wrote a proclamation of the pros of the bill he was passing.

​ The second case he ruled on was dividing the junior high schools and high schools in all public school districts across the state That ruling was also in agreement with judge Hall.. the next case that he ruled in was extending the funding for foster children across the state and yes he was agreement again with judge HallTthefourth case involved adding new guidelines that day care facilities across the state.was to enact.

That case he also agreeded with judge Hall Another case dealt with the usage tax on certain items but he didn't like the state putting gasoline usage in it but when the sitting judges ruled there was a clause where they omitt any of the uses and judge Hall had made a statement that at that time would inflict more hardship on people having to drive to work. He agreeded with her ruling so some of the usageall but the gasoline usage tax passed. Copyright 2016 - 2025