The day of their wedding flowers wa delivered by nine in the morning/ Momma Waters arrived shortly after ten in the morning.The employees of the courthouse supplied the lunch and the bakery down the street delivered the wedding cake. It was beautiful. Judge Hall wear a street length whit dress and Alex wore a whit suit. There was a photographer to take pictures of the family.

Jen was able to meet Sarah's family..Everyone hit it off right away. Both families decided to go for dinner at the cafe but would be going in since the outdoor section was closed for the winter. While having dinner a group of men came into the cafe and pulled out semi automatic weapons and started shootinh up the cafe and their customers. The Water family and extended family slipped out through the kitchen and hid by the disposal dumpster.

.The law enforcement agency identified the terriost as a violent mexican gang from the surveyance camera at the cafe and across the street from the cafe.They also identified one of them as an ex mexican military person. They matched his picture with another surveyance camera across from the state supreme courthouse

​ The federal supreme court. ruled that anyone who killed a judge whether they were city, county, state or federal judges should be tried as a hate crime and face the death penality if convicted and would be tried as a federal offense. The FBI put an all points bulletin on this gang member and anyone that helped him would be tried for acessary after the fact and could also face a death penality Copyright 2016 - 2025