​When the bomb squad gave the all clear on the building, they were allowed to enter. As Alex was having his meeting with the two sitting judges in his chambers Jen went to the head clerk and filed all of the twenty to twentyfive cases that Alex had already ruled on .Word got around the state's courthouse that Justice Waters was making a name for himself as being the only justice in the state's history of ruling on the most cases on his first day of service

​ Jen made friends with her co-workers quickly and they started involving her in their conversations. One of their conversations was about the judge who had died. It seem that he didn't take his own life like the police thought but that he was stab by someone that was left handed and not right like he was. They specalate that he had refused to rule on the wacky weed law that the state doesn't want but a lot of the state's citizens does.

​ When Alex and Jen got home she told him what her co-workers told had told her. Alex told her that they probably was trying to scare her. she decided that he probably was right and tried not to think about it anymore. About a week later when she couldn't get those thoughts out of her mind she decided to investigate her coworkers story

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