It was another one of those mornings… a replay of everyday, with nothing interesting for me to expect at the end of the day, or even during the day. I sighed, was all this that I had to look forward to?

A dull repetition of movements, getting out of bed, washing my face, getting dressed up and ready, walk downstairs to eat breakfast with my warm, caring family… I laughed at myself, warm, caring family, huh?! That would definitely be a change of pace around here, when in truth there was no family waiting for me whatsoever, even less warm or caring.

No, no, in reality, my sumptuous breakfast of plain toast was enjoyed by the wonderful and only me, in the empty, cold, spacious, two-storey house where I lived in. Well, where my family, who was never present, lived in. An ever-absent father, who decided that work was more important than anything, since he only ever came home to sleep, and an eccentric mother, who preferred to travel around the world with her numerous friends rather than ever coming back home to see her own son.

Why did they even bother to marry anyway? Actually, why did they even bother to have a kid? Was there any point in it?

Once again, I laughed to myself, how come, everyday, in and out, even though I had no way to answer to these ridiculous thoughts, I still stirred myself crazy searching for a way to solve these pestering questions?! Copyright 2016 - 2025