​ A anomalous 911 call reported that a fisherman had spotted a man's body in the woods about a half a mile into the woods close to a closed boat ramp on Monica's day off. It was patched througt to the chief of police and completely out of Darin's hands but Monica still got Darin's wrath when he got home. He beat her to a pulp. When he went into the bathroom she pushed a wardrobe in front of the door and left. she called Professor Collins to meet her at the bus station. Professor Collins met her and bought the ticket for her and she hid on the top part of the double decker bus in the back where the windows was dark and you couldn't see who was sitting in the back seat.Professor Collins left and was on her way to Florida to go on a cruise.

​ Monica wasn't going to take a chance and ducked down out of sight. When the bus arrived at Sprinfield Monica went across the street to a book store when she saw the police arrived including Darin. She knew that Professor Collins was taking a cruise vacation to Italy and had left town by then but she knew Darin and she could guess with a ninetynine percent accuracy that he showed Professor Collins picture to the clerk at the bus station and found out that she had bought the ticket to Kansas City.

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