​ In Rome they visited Vantican City and even was there when the pope had one of his Saturday masses. They rented a car and drove into the wine country where they sampled wine, cheeses, and homemade bread. They drove back to the port city where the cruise ship was docked and left for Paris. On the way to Paris they heard that one of the theraters had been bombed by a loczal terrorist group. After supper the younger crowed was having a pool party Monica settled in with Doris Collins to watch tv.

​ The television station was on Fox national news Their panel was talking about all of the terrorist attacks and even showed the attacks that had been avoided by citizens reporting tips that they had ran across or somehow knew about the attacks before they happened. The Springfield FBI office was interviewed and that office announced that the would be worse attack in that city had been avoided when the truck that had a dirty bomb in it had been dismantled and all of the terrorist group six total were killed in a gun battle with the authorities.

​ Professor Collins and Monica smiled and agreeded one threat down and one more to go. In Paris they visited the Effiel tower and then boarded a bus that was headed to the UK by the under the channel tunnel. It didn't take a long time, In London they toured one of the castles, a mussuem, and even rode on a double decker bus to Liverpool the home town of a famous British group. Professor Collins rented another car and drove to Scotland where one of Profesor Collins old friends lived.

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