Caylie found Connor and a young woman.hiding in a cabinet. She heard over the intercom whoever is down in the newspaper office I'm giving you just two minutes to get to the great hall or one hostage dies. Caylie told Connor that her group was here to rescue the hostage and then she put their mother;s medicene into his hands and whispered to him get this to mom that's why it's you that needs to turn yourself in while this young woman escapes by the window and my team gets busy rescuing all of you. If you see me peeking through the curtain, under the stage or around a corner hold up fingers to let us know how many bad guys are in the room. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. Caylie told her team Seven came in and now there is six.

​ Connor left to turn himself in and used the excuse he had came down to get his mother's meds and explained why she needed her medicene. He let him go to his mother and she got her medicene before her seizure became full blown. Connor was looking around and realized five of the hostage takers was in the great hall. One was on the stage and two on each balcony at the ends. Caylie crawled under the stage and peeked out of the curtain and Conner held one hand with all fingers spread out then a thumb up then one finger meaning one was just above her. Copyright 2016 - 2025