While their mother was taking the other three girls to their dancing classes Caylie would stay with grandma Carrington She would go and sit by grandma when the dance group had their recitals every so often.Their parents would say in reality we have five boys because Caylie is more of a boy than a girl and we don't think she will ever out grow her tom boy stage. While the other girls played in their dollhouse and the four boys was either in the tree house or fort Caylie would be in a section of grandma and grandpas garage tinkling with some gizmo that wasn't working and when she was done it worked good as new

When they were about the age of fourteen they seemed to go in different ways. Chris the first boy and child of the octuplets loved baseball and wanted to play for one of the midwest MLB teams. He had sandy blonde, sky blue eyes that had legs that was faster than a speeding bullet but it wasn't his legs that was the best part.He had a piching arm that could out pitch any professional picther and if he didn't get hurt during his high school years he would be a good starting pitcher. For fourteen years old he stood a good five foot ten.

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