“I think I’m handling things just fine. More than fine, actually.”

“Yeah?” I paused for a breath, waiting for hesitation to tighten her smile ’cause I had her pegged, and when it did, giving her a grin of my own before adding, “We’ll see about that.”

Handling things fine, my ass. She had no idea what I was capable of.

Legs covered her tell and rolled her eyes, uttering a quiet “whatever” before bending over and spreading out her beach towel in a spot where there wasn’t much room for another beach towel considering the crowd. Didn’t matter, though. She was making room ’cause she was on her little mind-fuck mission to distract me.


I shook my head and laughed, then turned away to watch out for this girl I was waiting on.

I had all afternoon to stare.


My head swiveled back around at the sound of the voice over my shoulder.

Tori was standing in front of me again with her hands on her hips, feet spread, head cocked, and brows lifted expectantly. Like she was waiting for me to do something.

Do what, exactly, I had no idea.

“Well, what?”

She smiled big, drawing my eyes down to the cute curve in her mouth. “I’m ready for my lesson,” she informed me.

My eyes snapped back up to meet hers again and quickly narrowed. “Your what?”

“My lesson.”

“What lesson?”

“I’m your three o’clock.”

What the fuck?

“No, you’re not.”

She kept smiling at me, arguing, “Yeah, I am,” as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, swaying her hips a little.

I cocked an eyebrow, thinking she was acting weird. “Quit playin’. You ain’t my three o’clock.”

“Actually, yeah, it totally is me.”

My jaw clenched. Jesus. I turned and squared off with her, facing her fully now and only keeping breath between us I was standing so close.

“Legs, for real, arguin’ with me ain’t gonna do shit,” I informed her, watching that damn smile of hers keep. “You’re not my three o’clock.”

“Yes, I am your three o’clock. I swear I am. Promise.”

I breathed slowly, keeping annoyance at bay and the urge to toss her hot little ass into the ocean under control while thinking back to the name printed on the sign-up sheet.

I’d checked it this morning before heading out. I knew who my lesson was with.

Then seeing that name materialize in my head, I allowed my face to relax, gave her a smile back, and shared, “Nice try, babe. Seriously. Like the effort you’re putting out, too, but you want a lesson with me, you need to call the shop. My three o’clock is with a Mira.” I tipped my head at her towel, ordering, “Have a seat. You can watch me with her. Know that’s what you’re really here for anyway. Not this bullshit about enjoying the weather.”

“It’s My-ra. Like My Girl,” she said, tilting her head side to side for emphasis.

My brow tightened again.

“Say what?”

Tori giggled. Her hand came up and swept some stray hair out of her face, tucking the strand behind her ear.

“Aw, look at you. So confused. Myra is my middle name. Tori Myra Rivera.” Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “It’s terrible, I know, but I had to use it. If I would’ve called and told Cole the lesson was for Tori, or Legs, you would’ve known who to expect and I didn’t want you expecting anything.” She tipped her chin up. “You know, for the sake of the bet.”

I stared down at her, blinking as everything—the timing, the location, this entire sex-shop bikini charade—started coming together in perfect fuck-me unison.

“Are you shittin’ me? You’re Myra?”

Tori’s eyes went round as she pinched her lips together, fighting laughter.

“Straight up?” I pressed.

“What? You can’t handle it?” she questioned. Her voice was pure innocence. “Is there a problem with me getting a lesson from you or something?”

I felt my chest quake with a laugh. Jesus. She was giving me a run.

Good. I liked that.

“Babe, you messed up,” I told her, smiling at her reaction and the lengths she’d gone to.

Her eyebrows lifted in question. She wanted to know what I meant.


Never had a problem being up-front with Legs before when it came to what to expect out of me. Sure as fuck didn’t have a problem being up-front about it now either.

There was no way I was losing this bet. So I shared.

“Not sure how Cole does it or anyone else for that matter, but the way I give lessons, I’m hands on with it. Not with everyone. Sure as fuck not with another dude lookin’ to learn, but you?” I let my gaze dip down the length of her, getting an eyeful before settling on her face. “Straight up. My hands are gonna be all over you for the next hour and don’t even think for one second I’m not gonna take advantage. You wave opportunity in my face, and babe, I’m takin’ that opportunity, meaning you’re fucked, Legs. Just bein’ around me gets to you. Now you’re offerin’ this? You might as well throw in the towel now. Or just start moaning right here. We both know that’s comin’.”

When I finished speaking, I noticed she was no longer fighting laughter. In fact, she was back to looking at me the way she always looked at me—like everything I said pissed her the hell off.

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