Fuck, I’m a cunt. Seriously, a cunt. I swallow more beer, and then I turn to the group. We came to the city to get the final information on our deal with Hogan’s men. We finally got it too, we got some of his contacts. Now all we have to do is send someone in to make a deal, and then we have his location.

“I’m good,” I say. “Tell me what we’ve got.”

“We got his inside sources, now all we gotta do is make the deal,” Granger says.

“Who are we sendin’ in?”

“One of my guys, Junior,” Cade says.

“Can he be trusted?” I ask, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

“Yeah, he’s shown his loyalty.”

I nod. “When’s he goin’ in?”

“He’s making contact with the guy tonight. We should know more by morning.”

“What’s our plan of action once we get the location of Hogan?” Jackson asks.

“Are we going in as a stealth attack, or an all-out brawl?” Granger asks.

“He’s got quite a club. We can’t risk just jumpin’ in for the attack. We have to be smart about it,” I say.

Jackson crosses his arms. “If we kill him, we’re going to end up with a fuck load of members after us.”

I nod. “That’s why we’re gonna be discreet. I’m thinkin’ a car bomb.”

“You wanna fuckin’ blow the club?” Cade asks, horrified.

“Yeah, I wanna blow the fuckin’ club. If we can make sure he’s in it, then we can make sure him and a mass of his guys are taken down in one hit.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Muff says. “It will reduce numbers.”

“And keep us anonymous,” Granger adds.

“You don’t think he’s goin’ to know it was you?” Cade asks.

“He might, but he’ll be dead,” I snort.

Cade laughs. “Yeah, what about the other guys?”

“No, I doubt it.”

“So we go in, plant a car and just blow it?” Jackson says.


“What about Old Ladies?” Granger adds.

“What about them?” I growl. “He didn’t care about shootin’ my wife’s brains out. I’m not goin’ to fuckin’ think about his. This is fuckin’ war, it ain’t a walk in the fuckin’ park.”

Granger nods. “No problems, Prez. Cool it.”

“I’m going to see Ciara, you boys keep me updated with the deal tonight.”

I stand and crush out my cigarette.

“On it,” Cade says.

They all nod at me, and I turn and walk toward my room. When I get in Ciara is curled up in bed, out to the world, lookin’ a cute as a fuckin’ kitten. I feel like a jerk.

I walk over, stopping beside the bed and starin’ down at her. She’s breathing deeply, her blonde hair fanned out over the pillow. I know I hurt her tonight, and I’ll make up for it. I won’t let her think this is on her, ‘cause it ain’t. I shrug out of my jacket, and then I strip out of my clothes. My cock is raw from all the fucking I’ve been doing, but shit, I’d go again. Ciara, she’s a wildcat. Fuck, I never knew she was so adventurous.

When I’m naked, I pull the sheets back and climb into the bed. Ciara groans and moves.

I press my lips to her shoulder, and she whimpers.

Time to make it better.



I feel hot lips against my shoulder, and I slowly wake up. I can feel the heat coming from Spike’s body, so I know he’s in the bed with me. I feel his finger slide up and down the skin on my arm, gently, softly.

I flutter my eyes open, and the dim light in the room makes me blink. I turn my face, and see Spike lying next to me, his brown eyes on mine. He looks soft, gentle, sweet and not the man who just told me to fuck off. He leans down, pressing his lips to my throat, and I find myself tilting my head back and letting him. He slides his lips down over my shoulder and then he lifts my shirt up and over my head. I let him, though I’m not even sure why.

“Ciara,” he murmurs against my skin, as he slides his mouth over my breast. “So fuckin’ sorry baby, I was a cunt.”

I shudder at his words, and my body instantly forgives him when his mouth reaches the heated flesh between my legs. He spreads my thighs and then his tongue is inside me, sliding up and down my clit. I groan, and tangle my fingers in the sheets, tilting my hips up to meet his feverish licking. He sucks and nips, rolling my clit around with his tongue. He slides two fingers inside me, gently stretching my sore, sensitive flesh. He slides them out and back in, slowly, gently. I cry out, and my body tightens around his fingers as he sucks my clit harder, flicking and teasing.

“Spike,” I whimper as I begin to come.

My body spirals up and out of control, and my orgasm tears through me like wildfire. Spike growls against my flesh as he slides his fingers in and out of my damp pussy, and his tongue continues dancing on my clit.

I stop shuddering when my orgasm subsides, and Spike gently removes himself from me, and slides back up my body. He grips my arms, rolling me into his side as he lies down on the pillow beside me. I curl into him, pressing my face against his skin and sliding my tongue out and over the hard, delicious flesh on his chest. He growls as I slide my other hand down his body to find his cock, hard and pulsing. I wrap my fingers around it, and begin to stroke it gently.

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