Against my will, my fingernails clawed into Ky’s broad back, but the action seemed to excite him, and losing control, he thrust hard, filling me entirely.



We screamed in unison and Ky froze, his hot breath fanning my cheek as he tucked his head into the crevice between my neck and shoulder.

“Are… are you okay?” Ky managed to ask through his panting breath.

“Yes,” I replied in a quiet voice, eager for him to move. “Please… take me.”

Ky began rolling his hips in a slow and steady motion, and my hands ran into his hair, gripping at the strands. Ky’s lips journeyed up my neck, across my cheek, and ended at my mouth. His kiss was soft and gentle at first, but as his thrusts increased, causing long moans to issue from my lips, his kiss became fevered, his tongue battling against mine. I freely submitted, letting him take from me what he wanted.

Breaking from my mouth on a gasp, Ky looked into my eyes, an unseen emotion shining from their depths… so beautiful that tears threatened to fall. This joining was like nothing I could have imagined—sensual, intimate, and filled with more love than I ever knew possible.

Our flesh became damp and hot. Something seemed to snap within Ky as his hips jerked and he pushed into me harder and faster. My head was spinning with the incredible sensation.

“Take my hands,” Ky ordered, and I immediately complied. Threading my fingers through his, he lifted our intertwined hands over my head and locked his stare on mine.

No words were spoken; they did not need to be. Everything that needed to be spoken was transferred through the small tensing of our eyes, the heavy breathing from our mouths, the groans, the small cries of pleasure trickling from our lips.

This was making love. This was not a ritual and scheduled Sharing. This was real. This was beautiful… and so soul-changing precious.

Ky’s fingers became unrelenting. He clasped both of my wrists within one of his hands, his free hand traveling downward. He rested it on my core, fingers rolling and teasing my bud.

“Fuck, babe, I need to let go,” Ky rasped.

“Yes, yes!” I screamed as the pressure built between my legs.

Ky’s length seemed to swell and hit a place within me that made me lose all rational thought. Ky’s hard chest rubbed against my breasts and, pounding his hips with enormous energy, my breathing hitched as my pleasure grew to a crescendo. I screamed out, my channel clenching, my core pulsing. Tipping his back, Ky roared out his release, jerking and pushing into me in long, hard thrusts.

Our breathing eased as we gently floated down from our mutual high. Ky released my arms, his length twitching inside my channel, causing me to moan when the sensations became too much for my sensitive core.

Ky dusted kisses across my bruised cheek, careful not to press too hard, and I wrapped my hands around his neck. Ky’s nose rubbed down my cheek and his forehead pressed against mine. His eyes closed as his breathing calmed.

“I love you, Li. Christ, I fuckin’ love you,” he confessed. I could hear the disbelief and shock laced in his voice. My heart swelled and I began to think of a life with him. A life far from all I had been taught was true, but my soul was attached to his… joined, melded with his.

This was sacred.

This could be it…

“You okay, baby?”

I nodded shyly, and Ky slowly withdrew himself from my core. A sense of emptiness instantly settled within my chest, but after going into the bathroom, Ky rejoined me on the bed, scooping me up in his arms.

I felt so safe. I quickly realized I could spend forever in his arms, just like this, right here, right now.

“I ain’t ever thought I’d feel this way about a bitch, Li, but you’ve done it. You’ve got under my skin and changed me,” Ky finally spoke.

“I have?” I felt Ky’s head nod against the top of mine. “How?”

Deft fingers began combing through my hair, soothing me and lulling me to relax.

“Baby, from the minute you crawled outta that cell all those weeks ago, I was gone. Gone for your beautiful fuckin’ face, your killer fuckin’ frame, those eyes, those lips… Shit, I remember seeing you next to Mae all scared and shit, and like a fuckin’ bolt of lightning I was struck.”

I froze at his words. I was gone… for your beautiful face… bolt of lightning. I was struck.

“R-really?” I remarked, praying to all that was holy that he would continue.

“Yeah, Li. I dream about you in my bed, on the back of my bike. Pictured how fuckin’ stunning you’d be riding my cock, wearing my patch. Every brother in this club, except Styx and probably Flame, wants you. You’re the hottest bitch I ever saw. You got every one of these dicks in this MC entranced, Li, including me… especially me. Some damn voodoo spell you got me under that no other bitch has ever been able to do.” Copyright 2016 - 2024